I’ve created a new combined quiz on the home/welcome page that combines all the quizzes together into a large 60 question quiz. I am busy updating the Practice Exams and they should be available for purchase in January. Enjoy!
I’ve created a new combined quiz on the home/welcome page that combines all the quizzes together into a large 60 question quiz. I am busy updating the Practice Exams and they should be available for purchase in January. Enjoy!
Hello everybody, the registration process for the next CDE exam which will be held on May 23 2020 is now open! For more details see the CDECB website at http://www.cdecb.ca/ (will open in new window). I am currently working on creating brand new questions and updating old ones. The full website should be ready by Jan 2020.
Hello, for those who purchased Package C or D, the Q and A is now underway and I am taking and answering questions from exam writers. I will post the answers on the 2019 Q and A webpage.
Hello everyone, I have gotten alot of questions on statistics so I made a quiz just in time for the exam. Please look under free quizzes. Enjoy!
Hello everybody, part 1 of the insulin pump video is now available in the video presentations- home webpage. I had wanted to finish it up by 2pm but its almost 10pm in Calgary now. I will try to get part 2 done tonight and part 3 done tomorrow. I keep underestimating how much time these videos take. Enjoy!
May 22 update- All the insulin pump videos are now available!
Hello everyone, I’ve been getting +++ questions on insulin adjustment so I’ve created a free quiz on insulin titration and calculations. Go to the free quizzes section to check it out.
The 2019 Q and A session page is now available for Package C and Package D members. Please email me your questions and I will start posting them on the page. I will be available from 9 to 5 pm (mountain standard time in Calgary) on May 24 to answer all of your questions and get you ready for the exam.
Hello everybody, I have just uploaded the UKPDS & DCCT/EDIC trial video. Please check the Video Presentation home for view. Thanks
Now that Diabetes Canada has finished updating their website I have fixed all the broken links. If there are any broken links you find please report them to me at cdestudycourse@gmail.com . Thanks
Hello everyone, Diabetes Canada had updated their website at the start of April which broke some of my links on the tests. They said they would be updating all of April so I didn’t bother fixing the links. Im now starting to fix them. If you find a broken link (goes to a page that Diabetes Canada says is unavailable or page not found) please let me know and I will work on fixing it. Also the Pathophysiology #3 and Insulin calculations video has now been posted! Please enjoy!
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