All posts by Esmond Wong

May 21 Exam Tip

I’ve added the Standards for Diabetes Education in Canada resource by Diabetes Canada in the Suggested Resources section. I think the glossary of terms may be help for questions related to the Education/Research competency.

Remember on the exam that you only have 3.5 hours to complete 165 questions. Basically you have 1.3 minutes per question. If you are stuck on a question then go to the next question. Remember there are twenty five “pilot” questions that are simply being tested and do not count for marks. If you spend 10 minutes on a tricky question that is worth no marks then you have wasted a lot of time. Do not waste too much time on one question, just move on to the next question. For more tips please see the 2017 Q and A session. Best of luck of the exam!

May 16 Exam Tip

The test is less than 2 weeks away and I am excited and nervous! Most of my students are excited and nervous as well, maybe more nervous. The best tip I can give for the exam is to stay calm. If you panic you shut off the logical part of your brain and then you cant think or access all the knowledge that you have spent so hard accumulating! Controlling your breathing is the best way to remain calm. Please click the link below for a great Youtube video on breathing and enjoy! For more tips please see the 2017 Q and A session. Esmond

April 16 update

Hello I have been informed that some of the links are not working on the 2013 resource page. They should be public and anyone should be able to download then. I am currently trying to fix them. If you notice any other errors please email me at

April 10 Update

Just a reminder that ALL test questions from the May exam will come from information before February 1 2018 (the deadline for the exam). The exam will focus on the 2013 guidelines. There will be NO questions from the 2018 guidelines. I will post the old guidelines and the presentations on the website this weekend. It will be up until the end of the exam and then will be taken off. Thanks

March 28 Update

Practice Examination packages #2 and #3 are almost ready! I am currently working on the purchase buttons on the Purchase page but they are not ready so please do not click on them yet. Also if you have a case that you would like to discuss please feel free to submit it to me and I will post it on the monthly case web page.  Thanks


Feb 25 update!

Hello, everybody. After some feedback I have decided to switch to a different model of payment. Most people are requesting that they be able write the exam twice but at different times. Currently my model is that you can write unlimited times in 48 hours. I am going to switch to a model where people can write the exam twice in whatever time period they want. For me to do that I will need to take the site offline for 24 hours. I apologize for any inconvenience that may cause. Thanks

Esmond Wong BSc Pharm CDE APA