All posts by Esmond Wong

December update!

Hello everyone, both the practice examinations are almost updated and I’m putting the finishing touches on the pathophysiology lectures. I am also adding a forum so that you can communicate with hundreds of other exam writers as you study. Ive also added a monthly case page to discuss interesting cases with other exam writers. I’m hoping to have everything ready by January 8 2018. If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Esmond Wong
Registered Pharmacist
Certified Diabetes Educator
Additional Prescribing Authority

New testimonial page

I am honored and humbled for the feedback I have received on the site and have already made several changes. Please check out the testimonial page to see the positive feedback I have received. If you have any ideas or feedback on how to make this website better please feel free to email me at

Bonus Q and A session

As a bonus, I am holding a free question and answer session for exam purchasers on May 26 (the day before the exam) to answer any last minute questions you may have. I will take the afternoon off and will be available from 1pm-7pm (mountain standard time). Please be specific with your questions. I will send you an email on the evening of May 25 with a link to a hidden page on my site. The page will have tips for the exam and instructions on how to send me your questions. If you have not received the hidden link please email me with the email you used to purchase the exam. Thanks

Paypal not working

Hello, I have just been informed that the paypal link is currently not working. I am currently trying to fix it. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you wish to to write the exam now an alternate method of payment is to e-transfer me the $30 with your desired activation date and I can grant you access. Thanks

Apr.23 UPDATE: Paypal recently changed their coding and it is affecting hundreds of smaller website such as mine. I am currently trying to get the paypal integration plugin to fix it on their end. Thanks for your patience.