All posts by Esmond Wong

Nov 18- General Updates and October 2021 Blood Glucose Monitoring in Adults and Children with Diabetes: Update

Hello everyone, a couple of updates.

The Oct Q and A session webpage is now public and the October Q and A video presentation with Esmond can be viewed on YouTube.

There is a new update on blood glucose monitoring that can be found here: . Since it came out before the exam is finalized on February 1 2022, the information in the update will likely be on the exam. I will create a new chapter study guide and it should be finished around January.

There will no longer be any extensions from year to year. Too many people are asking for extensions and it is becoming a giant hassle. If the CDECB offers a October exam date then there will be no charge for extension. Otherwise, you will need to pay again.

Oct 1- Building Competency: The Essentials Quiz is now up

Hello everyone, at the end of the Building Competency: The Essentials Quiz (5th edition) there is a quiz that you can fill out and send to Diabetes Canada to get marked. I had sent my test last year but it still has not been send back to me. Due to a drop in donations due to COVID-19 and staff cutbacks I’m not sure if that department exists anymore. I asked Diabetes Canada for the answer key and they did provide it to me. You can find it in the How to Study section under Building Competency: The Essentials. I’ve also created an interactive quiz with my style of tests where you can get an explanation of why an answer is wrong. You can find the quiz under the How to Study section or the Free Quizzes section. Note that it is not complete yet and will probably be finished in 2022.

Sept 28- Oct Q and A sessions now available

Hello everyone, the May Q and A sessions are now available to everyone and the Oct Q and A sessions has been scheduled (for people with Package C and higher). To review the previous Q and A session just click on the Q and A session button on the top or right menu.

The first Q and A session is with endocrinologist Dr Stuart Ross on Oct 18 at 5 pm MT ( You must have your questions submitted to by Oct 11. This will not be recorded.

The second Q and A session with Esmond will be right before the exam on Oct 22 at 5 pm MT. This is a more casual session and you can ask your questions then. This Q and A will be recorded.

To updates and the Zoom links go the 2021 Q and A session – Oct
