Hello everyone I’ve added a Study Guide on the Diabetes Canada Position Statement for People With Types 1 and 2 Diabetes Who Fast During Ramadan in the Study Guide section.
Hello everyone I’ve added a Study Guide on the Diabetes Canada Position Statement for People With Types 1 and 2 Diabetes Who Fast During Ramadan in the Study Guide section.
Hello everyone, you should have your CDECB exam results by now if you wrote the exam in May. They became available at the end of June. A reminder that if you did not pass the deadline for sending me both page of the letter for refunds is July 31.
Happy Summer
Happy summer everyone, please note that I will be less active on the site and forum until the fall.
Todays Q and A has been uploaded onto YouTube and can be viewed in the 2021 Q and A webpage. Good luck on the exam!
Hello everyone, a reminder that Dr Sue Pedersen’s Q and A is tonight. Please see the 2021 Q and A session for details. I have a Zoom account limit of 100 participants so first come, first serve.
Todays Q and A has been uploaded onto YouTube and can be viewed in the 2021 Q and A webpage. Reminder that the Q and A with Dr Pedersen is tomorrow. I have a 100 person limit on my Zoom account so first come first serve.
Hello the exam is just around the corner for some of us. A reminder that the Q and A sessions start tomorrow. Please see the 2021 Q and A session webpage for all the details. Also note I have a 100 person limit for my Zoom account so it is first come, first serve.
Hello, this is not on the exam but if you are looking for continuing education credits check out the CE I did with Ken Burns at: https://www.mdbriefcase.com/course/highlighting-the-history-and-recent-advances-in-insulin-therapy-cccep/
Hello everyone, the exam is around the corner (for people who are writing in May). I’ve created a carbohydrate quiz which is available in the full quizzes section but is still under construction. It probably won’t be finished till 2022 but wanted to get out a version of it to help the people writing the exam this year.
Hello I moved the login and search box to below the Important Updates box for easier login. Also a reminder that any questions you have for Dr Pedersen need to be sent to me by tomorrow. For my Q and A sessions you can just ask questions casually. I request that you use the raise hand button so I can keep track of who is asking questions first. See below for an example:
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