Apr 16- Diabetes Canada looking for volunteers to help with COVID

Please see below for a volunteer opportunity to help with the COVID crisis:

Sending on behalf of Joanne Lewis, Director, Healthcare Provider Education & Engagement

 Hello Chapter Executives,

Diabetes Canada is looking for ways to support the millions of Canadians affected by diabetes during these unprecedented times.

One idea that has generated some interest is an expansion of our 1-800 BANTING (226-8464) information and support centre to provide callers & e-mailers with access to health care professionals. We are reaching out to you today to see if you might be interested in volunteering to support this initiative.

This program would have our Information & Support Specialists triage calls and e-mails, then forward contact information to a health care professional (i.e. you) to answer questions from constituents. Your role would be to reach out to the caller via email to respond to their questions. Questions will be related to diabetes self-management – no medical advice, diagnosis, medication management – education only. This will help us to fill the gap that currently exists as Canadians are looking for help and traditional telehealth is overburdened.

We are looking for Registered Nurses, Registered Dietitians and/or Pharmacists from across the country so that each province is represented. Callers will be matched with HCPs from the same province.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the following form, we will be in touch very soon: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/889b6b7c70484144aef316b6b59f5ee8

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

 Joanne Lewis

Director, Healthcare Provider Education & Engagement

Diabetes Canada

1300-522 University Avenue

Toronto, ON M5G 2R5

P: 416-408-7112

Mar 27- Exam rescheduled due to COVID- updated

Hello due to the COVID outbreak you will be receiving an email from the CDECB regarding an alternate date for writing the exam (either October or next year in May). I will extend your membership until the date you write the exam. Once you have confirmed the date that you are writing the exam please email me at cdestudycourse@gmail.com and I will extend your membership till that time. You should have received a mass email from me. If you have not please check your junk/spam folder.

Keep healthy and safe