Jan 25- New digital version of the Essentials: Building Competency

Hello everyone, just a FYI that there will be a new digital version of the Essentials coming out in February sometime. ICI medical is still working on their website. They are still working out the price and how long you will have access to the digital version. I’ll post more info here once I receive it. Remember that the Essentials is a great diabetes resources but not necessary for the exam. The most important document is the 2018 Diabetes Canada guidelines.


Jan 13- Referral Reminder

Hello everyone, I’ve had a number of people put friend or colleague in the “Did Anyone Refer You” box of the registration page. For every 5 people a person refers they receive a free package D and I use that box to count how many referrals a person has made. So please put the name and email of the person. If you put friend/colleague into the box I wont know who referred you and that person won’t get credit. I’m a pharmacist not a psychic.

Nov 18- General Updates and October 2021 Blood Glucose Monitoring in Adults and Children with Diabetes: Update

Hello everyone, a couple of updates.

The Oct Q and A session webpage is now public and the October Q and A video presentation with Esmond can be viewed on YouTube.

There is a new update on blood glucose monitoring that can be found here:  http://guidelines.diabetes.ca/cpg/chapter-9-2021-update . Since it came out before the exam is finalized on February 1 2022, the information in the update will likely be on the exam. I will create a new chapter study guide and it should be finished around January.

There will no longer be any extensions from year to year. Too many people are asking for extensions and it is becoming a giant hassle. If the CDECB offers a October exam date then there will be no charge for extension. Otherwise, you will need to pay again.