Feb 14- New insulin delivery video

Hello everybody, the U of A pharmacy students missed some of their labs on insulin due to COVID.  A class rep reached out to me to create a video to make up for the missed labs and I have posted it on YouTube. It’s a short video on insulin delivery methods mostly but some of the content could come in handy for the exams. You can find it under the video presentations tab.


Feb 13- Added a study guide on the Diabetes Canada Position Statement on Low-Carbohydrate Diets for Adults With Diabetes

Hello everyone

Due to the humongous popularity of low carbohydrate diets I have decided to add a study guide on Diabetes Canada Position Statement on Low-Carbohydrate Diets for Adults With Diabetes. It may show up on the exam as it came out in 2020. Please see the chapter by chapter study guide at https://cdestudycourse.com/guidelines-chapter-study-guide/ for more details.


Jan 17- New Study Guide!

Hello everyone, I’m very proud to present a chapter by chapter study guide that you read along with the 2018 Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines to help you study for the exam. Each chapter has a few sample questions at the end to test your understanding of the chapter. The first 10 chapters are free so go check it out. This will be included in the new Package D which includes unlimited access to Practice Exam #3. The old Package D is now Package E. The first 10 chapters are free and can be accessed by click on Step 2 of the Home page or at https://cdestudycourse.com/guidelines-chapter-study-guide/
