Welcome to the CDE Study Course!

This site is designed to help you prepare for the CDE™ exam with less studying, less stress, more confidence and a higher pass rate. Test your knowledge below.

1) Press Start Quiz to see how prepared you are for the exam. This quiz is repeatable. 

If you scored 90% or above on your first try then you probably do not need this website. If you would like a refresher, I would suggest Package A or B. 

If you scored 70% and above I would suggest Package C.

If you scored below 70% I would suggest Package D. Please see the Buy Packages tab

To review the structure of the exam, go to the How To Study tab above and click: Start Here. For your study schedule please go to the How to Study tab and click: Study Schedule. The first part of the Study Schedule is free up to chapter 10. 

If you found the quizzes/content useful and want more, please check out the Packages in the Buy Packages tab above. Your pass is guaranteed or your money back (before July 31). Currently my students have a 97.6% pass rate (based on refunds, 2205 students passed out of a total of 2260- updated Aug 1 2024). 

Below are testimonials from health care professionals who have written the CDE ™ exam:
The practice examination provided by this site feels so real.  The questions are high quality questions and the multiple choices are so good that you have debate between at least 2 options. The questions require you to think, apply concept and knowledge and the guidelines. The best part is the explanation. Not only it tells which answer is correct but explains why other 3 are wrong ( they have really worked hard to get this part right). What was an added bonus is there were links / page # provided for further study.
I feel extremely confident after taking this exam. I know what areas I need to work on ( the site provided marks competency wise) and I am confident that in remaining week, I should be able to get better in those areas.
In the end, do NOT take the CDE exam without taking this practice test. You are awesome Esmond. You are educating the educators. Keep up the good work and may God bless you.
Bhavin Desai


”I first got my Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) title in 1998 and I remember how hard it was to prepare for the exam.  As a pharmacist, our training in the day to day management of diabetes was minimal at best at the school level. I managed to pass on my first attempt but many of my colleagues were not as lucky.
I stumbled onto the website  and was very impressed with the content.  Esmond had obviously put a great deal of effort in creating questions that cover many of the competencies required for successful completion of the exam.   The practice exam provides instant feedback for participants with detailed descriptions of both the right and wrong answers.  When writing the actual exam this year I found many of the practice questions mirrored the difficulty of questions presented in the exam.
It certainly was well worth the cost of access to his site.  I would encourage anyone preparing for the certification exam to take a look at what the website can offer to you.  I am confident you will find the website useful to yourself and will recommend it to your colleagues moving forward, as I most certainly will.”

Rick Siemens
R.Ph; CDE, Additional Prescribing Authority, 2018 Diabetes Canada Guideline Author (Monitoring Glycemic Control chapter)

Testimonial: Esmond; on you testimonial page I see people writing from AB, ON, and BC, so I thought I would let you know that we in Atlantic Canada also LOVE your website and the assistance it provides as we study for CDE recertification or 1st time certifications!! My friend and I studied together last year, and when I found your site I was elated and amazed that you take such pride in being a CDE and it definitely demonstrates this as you share your knowledge and professional background through this site. Last year, my friend, Mavis and I, paid for your exam and wrote it together making sure we timed it according to the time allotted for the CDE exam. We took our time on some questions and discussed others questions so we went over by 10 minutes however we figured that without the discussions we would have had ample time to write the exam. We wrote 2 weeks prior to the CDE EXAM and the feedback you provided gave us all the information needed to identify our weaker areas and we also had time to devote to theses areas prior to the exam! We both passed – I for the 3rd time, and Mavis for the 1st time. She told me that your site was more helpful that the online course she took!! This year I have shared you website with Dietitians new to our outpatient Diabetes Education Clinic; they will be writing on May 26th here in Fredericton, NB and when I told them how helpful your site has been in previous years and that your provided IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK when the exam is marked, they wanted the web address straight away!! Thank you

Brenda Mercer RN MN CDE CNS
Inpatient Diabetes Education & Management Certified in Adult and Gestation Insulin Adjustment Certified in Insulin Pump Adjustment

For more testimonials, please click here to check out the testimonials page.

I invite you to look around the site and comment. Please contact me if you have any ideas on how I can serve you better. Check back often for updates.  Best of luck on the exam!

CDE and Certified Diabetes Educator are trademarks of the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board (CDECB)

This website is not associated with, endorsed by or approved by the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board (CDECB)

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