The Mock Practice Exams prepare you for the real-life exam by being 165 questions long and covering all eight competencies (same as the May exam). They will improve your confidence and pass rate while reducing your stress and anxiety. In general, students have found my exams harder than the actual exam. Please check the testimonials page by clicking here. Note that only the first 10 chapters of the Chapter-by-Chapter study guide are free, all the other chapters and updates are available with Package D or higher.
Package A
$59.99 for two attempts of the online Practice Examination #1 (all different questions than Practice Examination #2 and #3)
No upgrades to other packages
200 out of 200 Package A’s available for the May 2025 exam (updated weekly)
Package B
$59.99 for two attempts of the online Practice Examination #2 (all different questions than Practice Examination #1 and #3)
No upgrades to other packages
198 out of 200 Package B’s available for the May 2025 exam (updated weekly)
Package C
$109.99 for two attempts of the online Practice Examination #1 and two attempts of the online Practice Examination #2
Complete Cheat Sheets for Medications, Statistics and Screening
Unlimited access to the Full Question Quizzes for Medications, Studies and Statistics, Insulin Calculations, Targets, Carbohydrate, Screening and Diagnosis and Remission.
Access to the Exam Forum to see what people thought of the exam last year and ask questions about the exam and diabetes
Access to the live Question and Answer sessions (one with an endocrinologist in May & the other with Esmond before the exam to answer all your last minute questions)
The Pathophysiology lectures to review one of the largest competencies tested on the exam
Does NOT include Full Study Guide (Study Guide is free only up to chapter 10)
85 out of 200 Package C’s available for the May 2025 exam (updated weekly)
Package D
$199.99 for three attempts of the Online Practice Examination #1, three attempts of the online Practice Examination #2 and unlimited attempts of Practice Examination #3
The Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide (has suggestions on what to memorize, how much time to spend on each chapter and additional questions at the end of each chapter)
The Study Guide on all the position statements from Diabetes Canada (such as cannabis, the 2020 medication update, the 2021 self-glucose monitoring update, etc.)
Also includes all content from Package C
29 out of 200 Package D’s available for the May 2025 exam (updated weekly)
Package E
$499.99 for unlimited attempts of online Practice Examination #1 and #2 and #3
Three hours of one-on-one mentoring or reviewing case studies
Also includes all content from Package D
0 out of 10 Package E’s available for the May 2025 exam (updated weekly)- SOLD OUT- NO MORE PACKAGES AVAILABLE FOR THE 2025 EXAM
All packages expire on July 31. Once you start an exam attempt you have 24 hours to complete that test. If you need an example of this system please try a Free Quiz. If you need a video explanation please click below.
If you defer the exam, please send me a copy of the CDECB email confirming your deferral. I will extend your package once at no charge. You will not be able to extend it again and you will not qualify for the money back guarantee. Keep the code that I email you safe. I will need it to reactivate your Package.
If you fail the May exam, I will refund the Package you bought (minus PayPal fees). The deadline for refunds is July 31. You must email me a copy of the fail letter (both pages). The name, license number and CTFNno (CDECB #) must match the info in your registration. No refund will be available if you do not provide the requested info during registration.
I have a referral program where if you refer 5 new people who purchase a Package then you will receive a free Package D ($199.99 value) that use can use to refund a previous Package D that you purchased, use the next time you write the exam, or to give to a friend. If someone referred you, make sure you enter their info in the “Did Anyone Refer You” text box when registering.
Step by Step Instructions- See below for purchase button
Step #1– Press the Pay with PayPal button. To pay with PayPal choose the first option. To pay with credit card choose the second option. If you have an account from a previous year, have your password ready or reset your password first before purchasing.
Step #2– Fill out credit card information. All information is handled by PayPal and is confidential. Make sure the Country is set to Canada.
Step #3– Wait for PayPal to redirect you back to my website registration page. If PayPal asks you to create a profile just click on “Not Now”. Do not press any buttons.
Step #4- If this is your first purchase then please complete the registration page to set up your username and password. Please have your license number and CTFNno (CDECB #) ready.
If you already have an pre-existing account, for existing/expired members, please use the existing member’s link “click here”.
If you navigate away from the page accidently or there is any other error please check your junk mail for the email to re-register. See Step #6 for details.
Step #5– Once you have a username and password, please login and then you should be able to access the content that you purchased.
Step #6- If there is an error, the system will send a link to your email (the email you used for PayPal payment). The link will allow you to complete your registration. Wait 5-15 minutes. Likely it will go to your junk/spam folder. Please check your JUNK/SPAM folder for the email to complete your registration. If no link arrives then email
To purchase Package A please click below. With 5% GST the total comes to $62.99

To purchase Package B please click below. With 5% GST the total comes to $62.99

To purchase Package C please click below. With 5% GST the total comes to $115.49

To purchase Package D please click below. With 5% GST the total comes to $209.99

To purchase Package E please click below. With 5% GST the total comes to $524.99- SOLD OUT- No Packages Available
Please email Esmond at specifically stating you are interested in Package E. Once your spot is confirmed please click here to complete purchase
Recommendations = Package A or B is recommended if you have written the exam multiple times before and have a high level of confidence for passing the exam. In the past the majority of refunds have been for Package A or B so purchase a higher package if you do not have a high level of confidence in passing the exam. Package C is recommended if you have written the exam before or have a medium-high level of confidence for passing the exam Package D is recommended if you you have never written the exam before or have a medium-low level of confidence for passing the exam Package E is recommended if you would like to have one on one tutoring or if this is your first time writing the exam and have a low level of confidence for passing the exam or if you are a health care professional who can prescribe medications and wanted to go through patient cases