Hello everyone and best of luck on the exam. My Question and Answer period is now available on the 2022 Q and A session webpage.
Hello everyone and best of luck on the exam. My Question and Answer period is now available on the 2022 Q and A session webpage.
Hello everyone a reminder that my Q and A is on Wednesday May 25th. Please see the 2022 Q and A webpage for the time, Zoom invite, time zones, details, etc. Only for Package C and higher.
Hello everyone, reminder that the Q and A with Dr Sue Pedersen is tomorrow May 11th at 5 pm (Mountain Time). For the time in Calgary please check- https://time.is/Calgary. For the Zoom link please go the the 2022 Q and A session webpage. The Q and A sessions are included in Package C and higher.
Hello everyone, a reminder that the deadline for submitting your questions for the Q and A session with Dr Sue Pedersen and Anita Dobson is tomorrow May 4. You must have your questions sent into me at cdestudycourse@gmail.com. Please see the 2022 Q and A session webpage for details.
Hi everyone, One Touch is offering these plates for patient education for free. If you want one please email me your name and the address where you want the plate dropped off. I will see if there is a One Touch representative in your area that has one available. These are a great visual for patients and the correct size for the plates patients should use.
This poster is being offered by Eli Lilly and is great because it also has provincial formulary coverage. Its specific to different regions. Patients really like the pictures of the pills so they can point out which medications they are on. If you would like one please email me your name and the address you would like one dropped off. I will see if there is a Eli Lilly representative in your area that has one available.
Hey everyone, I was hired by McKesson to help a group of pharmacists pass the CDE exam. I’ve done a few meetings and decided to upload them onto YouTube. The videos review how to use my website and potential pharmacist interventions for some of the chapters. You can find the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrfdnIxup9yDv9FOWOfu4Fg
I will be posting two more videos when I meet with the McKesson pharmacists again.
Hello everybody the digital copy of Building Competency: The Essentials is now available. It is available as a 1 year subscription and can be found at https://orders.diabetes.ca/products/copy-of-buy-a-banting-house-brick-2
As discussed in the How to Study section, it is nice to have but not necessary for the exam.
Hello the Q and A session with Esmond is scheduled for May 25th at 5pm MDT. Please see the 2022 Q and A session webpage for more details.
Hello everyone, the question and answer session with endocrinologist Dr Sue Pedersen has been set for Wednesday May 11th at 5:00 pm (mountain time) in Calgary. More details and a Zoom link will be available shortly under the Q and A tab -> 2022 Q and A
Hello everyone, I’ve just been informed that the new digital version of the Essentials will be delayed for 2-3 weeks. Again its not necessary for the exam but is a good resource. See the How to Study section for details on the Essentials.
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